Blog posts


AstraZeneca AI Hackathon

less than 1 minute read


What was this about?

There were 3 problems put forward by AstraZeneca at Shaastra, the Technical Festival of IIT Madras, in January 2020, and as a 3-member team, my friends and I worked on all of them and presented our solutions to the business leads at AstraZeneca.


Model UN Website!

less than 1 minute read


Web dev for the Model UN!

For the first time, I’ve built a dynamic website, and hosted it on a DigitalOcean droplet!


1 minute read


Global Runner-Up in AWS Challenge! WOOOHOOO!

My friends and I built a novel Android application that assists users in keeping track of medicines and their prescribed dosages, using unique labels.


Facial-recognition Attendance Manager (FAM)

less than 1 minute read


What was the aim of this project?

To make a fully functioning product capable of tracking attendance, and hopefully sell it to interested companies and/or colleges.


less than 1 minute read


This app was my first big project in Android Studio, that actually worked just the way I wanted it to.

The Compression Project

less than 1 minute read


I always wanted to implement a File Compression algorithm, inspired by Silicon Valley, obviously. I started this project with that in mind. Well, you know how it went. Didn’t go according to plan.